Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Friday, January 19th, 2007

My sister Anne and I (and Miss Kitty who had tried unsuccessfully to escape at a Starbucks in Atlanta) arrived in Biloxi on Wednesday night.  Once we had opened the house and gotten the water turned on, we climbed back in the car and drove to Shreveport, LA - Anne’s home.  I returned to Biloxi today (Friday).  My “stuff” is in the driveway waiting to be unloaded tomorrow.  Horror of horrors - I have NO TV as yet.  What’s more Annual Meeting is after church on Sunday!  No one seems worried because they will be home in time for the Saints game.  They just do not understand my needs!  At least it is not opening day at Fenway that I will miss.  If anyone is willing to textmessage the score please do so!

On Thursday AM I met some of the local clergy.  It is a lively group.  I am looking forward to working with them.  There is an Hispanic priest (woman) who is associated with Redeemer.  I have not met her, but I am excited about the possibility of nurturing a neighborhood congregation that can be more welcoming to the Spanish speaking members. 

I will refrain from recounting the experience of having a roach fall out of my face towel in the motel - but it wasn’t pleasant.  Where’s Otto the Orkin man when you need him?


PS Email is most appreciated…. My email account at gmail.com is janebbearden. (I’m writing my email address this way to try to avoid some of the spammers….)

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